Motherhood changes everything. It awakens parts of your heart and soul that you never knew existed. The transition from being carefree you to a curious Mom with bundle of responsibilities and well crafted list of do's and dont's from elders is something awe aspiring. Each day is a new lesson. Sleepless nights, dirty diapers, unorganized house, crawling & crying sounds now become a part of you.
The journey is priceless, exasperating and challenging, stores new experiences each day. I had a complicated C-sec. But after around 2 months, I started having sudden breathlessness and acute pain in upper abdomen. Initially I thought it to be gastric problem, but it was getting severe day by day. Later I was diagnosed with multiple gall stones and bladder infection. Doctor advised to go for surgery as there was no other alternative. This made us worry as I had hardly recovered from my c-sec, and being in a nuclear family, it was not going to be at all easy to get surgery done, hospital stays, post-op care, managing household chores, etc. , with a 2 months old baby who was completely on breast milk.
Upon requesting, my mother in-law decided to visit us for a week. Finally surgery was done and other things went well too.
One incident I still remember which I want to mention. Post surgery when I regained my senses, I saw my baby was lying in stroller bed beside me and was crying due to hunger as she was unable to digest formula milk. So I had no other alternative but to feed her for which I had to take permission from doctor, since surgery was done just few hours back and I was under sedatives. But then, in order to feed her, I had to literally struggle to hold her in my lap due to my weakness and cannula in my hands. Anyway, all is well when it ends well. Like a miracle, my girl helped me heal all my scars. I even participated in a dance show on the occasion of Mother's Day and performed on stage carrying my daughter through out, that too just 1 month after my surgery.
So no matter how hard the world goes on you, how harsh the days are, you will always find solace in those tiny shiny eyes, in those toothless smiles, in those cute little hugs, that impeccable love from that little bundle of joy.
It is rightly said, "motherhood is messy and challenging, crazy and sleepless and giving, and still unbelievably beautiful".
Cheers to Motherhood.
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