It's a real ordeal for a first time Mom. You must be flowing with happy emotions, carrying your love of life in your hand and the baby starts crying his/her heart out as he/she gets hungry and you have no clue what to be done and how to feed your baby.
There are lot of questions, doubts, and confusion that hits a new mom who has just delivered a life.
You are full of over whelming emotions, that include love, joy and even stress.
Breastfeeding is an amazing feeling, as for the first time, you are going to provide nourish your baby with your milk.
Breastfeeding is full of benefits, it's important to do breastfeeding within one hour of delivery, that ensures that the baby receives the first milk which has a lot of protective factors and acts as a shield to new born.
Babies who get breast milk through their first 6 months of life get the best start ever. It provides perfect nutrition for healthy growth and brain development of a baby. It gives protection from respiratory infections, diarrhea disease and other life threatening ailments also.
Breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients required for the baby. Breast milk has its own importance, it's easier for baby to digest than any formula milk's available and the antibodies in breast milk boost your baby's immune system.
As much as you have prepared for those first moments, it can be hard to know if you're doing everything right when it comes to taking care of
your new born baby.
Breastfeeding, needs a lot of patience and practice. First few hours with your new baby are crucial to setting up a positive breast feeling experience, and the more you know ahead of time, the better prepared you will be.There are frequent concerns arises like when to start, how to do it, and how to ensure you are providing your baby with enough milk.
Few important tips, as you begin your breast feeding journey :-
1- Start Early
Hold your baby, skin to skin touch is important. Hold him and bring close to you for an early latch on. Recommended to try latching on after an hour of birth.Generally the newborn can easily find the nipple and do start suckling of his own.
If problem in latching, you can take help or can consult your doctor or nurses appointed to get it done right.
In some cases, where baby get into NICU, use breast pump as soon as possible.
Research says pumping within an hour after birth brings in larger milk volumes sooner than if pumping is started even a few hours later.
2- Do not stress about supply :
A mother after her baby is born, give it all she have and wish the best for her baby.
In some cases, mother's stress too much when her baby cries.
It might not be for supply always. So, it's not required to stress or feel low on these circumstances.
Research says, babies consume only a teaspoon per feeding in first 24 hours.As you continue to breastfeed and your baby grow, your milk will change and supply will increase to meet your baby's evolving needs.It's like demand Vs supply. More the demand, supply will be more and vice a versa.
3 - Nurse or pump often
Frequent nursing or pumping is advised. Experts say, atleast 8 -10 times feeding per day is mandatory in the first week after child birth to set ground for a plentiful milk supply later.
4 - Consult Doctor/lactation Specialist
In case of any doubt, whether baby's intake is proper or not, i.e.milk secretion is happening as per requirement or not, to confirm on all these, it's advisable to check with your paediatrician or nutritionist and get advised to act on the shortfalls.This will help you in tracking the newborn's health and weight gain.
5 - Don't compare
Never ever compare yourself with others. Every woman's body is different, and ways of nursing their babies are different.So, don't unnecessary stress much, which can take away the joy and adventure of welcoming a new family member.
In few cases, factors such as diabetes, cesarean delivery causes delay in the onset of big volumes of milk.
Benefits of Breast feeding:
Breast feeding benefit your baby. Its rich in nutrients. It has antibodies, which helps in protecting your baby against infections.
It helps prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Babies who are breastfed are less likely to have allergies, asthma and diabetes. And they are less likely to become overweight.
When your baby is breastfeeding from you, he/she is directly fed from you, there is no formula used and hence no mixing of formula or cleaning of formula bottles is involved. It avoids infections.
Because of breastfeeding, uterus go back to its normal size quickly after all the stretching out occurred during pregnancy. So, you lose weight faster.
Breastfeeding process bring in both the mother and baby close to each other. It lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure.
Once your baby is born, your breast will start to fill up. At first, your body will produce a premilk, called Colostrum. This can be thin and watery or thick and more yellow colored. The pre milk has a slower flow to help your baby learn to nurse. After 3-4 days of nursing, your real breast milk will come in.
How to prepare self before breastfeeding?
It's important to prepare yourself for the first latch on process. It's for the well being of both, but at the same time it's not always easy.
1 - Prenatal care
It's very crucial, so need to be taken cared of properly. Babies born prematurely have a harder time breastfeeding than other babies.
2 - Speak to Doctor's/ nurses/lactation consultants
Seek help if you need. Some pregnant women also takes breast feeding classes for practice so that it would be easier handling baby and going through the feeding processes.
Few expecting mom's also arrange breast feeding items, nursing pillows, nursing bra's and covers beforehand to avoid last minute hassles.
How to take care of hygiene before and after breastfeeding?
1- Wash your hands before each feeding
2- Clean your nipple with wipes
3- Get proper pillows arround you to make you relaxed
4- Place your baby in the best breastfeeding positions
5- Put the thumb of your free hand on top of your breast and rest of your fingers below.Touch your baby's lips to your nipple until your baby opens his /her mouth wide and feed from you
6- It's suggested to caress your baby by touching his her or head to make him feel loved whenever he/she feeds from you.
All the Best!
Wish you a very happy Breast Feeding Week. (1st-7th Aug 2020)
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