Symptoms of Pregnancy
Pregnancy brings in major changes to your body and internal system, giving you few clear symptoms of the same. However the degree of symptoms may vary from individual to individual. Some experience the symptoms more and some less. Some experience them quicker and some a little later. We are trying to cover the most obvious symptoms which generally occur within the first 2 weeks of implantation. All the indicated symptoms can also be for other illness. Hence getting it tested is advisable.
Tender Breast
Because of HCG hormone that begins implantation, your breasts may start to enlarge, get tender and veins within the breast may become prominently visible. The nipples may start darkening slowly with a sensitive feeling. The nipples may become more erect.
Feeling Tired
Due to sudden rise in HCG levels in your body, you may have an higher temperature. This mayl make you feel tired.
Nausea & Vomiting:
This is one of the earliest symptoms. Some women feel morning sickness, and some during afternoon or evening. Some may feel the whole day.
Light Bleeding or missed period:
Within 8-10 days of ovulation you may experience light bleeding. Many assume it’s the beginning of their period, as the timing may be same. This is caused by the implantation.
Frequent Urination
The Uterus starts to enlarge to make space for the growing fetus. This growth of uterus starts putting pressure on the bladder, which may make you feel the need to urinate frequently. This may start within the first 2 weeks.
The growth in Uterus starts compressing major arteries which
causes a drop in blood pressure. Hence making you feel dizzy. Dizziness added
with irregular eating may also lead to drop of blood sugar levels. Many may
even faint.
Due to slow down in bowel functions, you may get
constipation. This increases with pregnancy duration.
The growth in HCG level will slow down digestion, increasing the acidity and hence create a feeling of heartburn.
Higher level of hormones causes irritability. This symptom gradually decreases towards the second trimester. Mild exercise and sufficient sleep can help in reducing this.
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