Pregnancy & Corona virus
As you must be knowing COVID-19, is a deadly viral infection, which has become a global pandemic now. This is caused by Corona virus. It outbreak in Wuhan, China in Dec 2019.
Common Symptoms:
Fever, Dry Cough. Tiredness. Other symptoms are aches, pain, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea, rash on skin, loss of taste or smell.
Symptoms may appear in 2 to 14 days after you get exposed to virus.
In case of pregnant women, symptoms are more or less same as others. Few of the major symptoms in pregnant women are nausea, heart burn and constipation.
As per current reports, pregnant women do not face more severe issues than others.
It's recommended to have an early ultrasound before 24 weeks to get a clear picture of pregnancy status. It's helpful to identify multiple pregnancies, accurate gestational age and fetal anomalies if any at an early stage.
How to take care of yourself, if you are pregnant and have symptoms
of COVID-19
For cough or breathing issues, please call your doctor for advice.
If you are already infected with COVID-19, you should contact mid wife or antenatal care provider and inform them of your illness.
Seek Instructions: Take appointment and seek guidance on checkups and delivery plans during course of infection. Please check your Hospital should give priority to pregnant woman and have isolation and testing facilities.
Being pregnant is a wonderful feeling for any women. Its natural to be worried about the wellbeing of yourself and the baby during this phase of pandemic. Over thinking of the same can have an adverse impact on your physical and mental health.
10 Tips to take care of physical health during pregnancy:
1.Wash your hands: Washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds several times a day.
2. Sanitization: Do sanitize your hands, and regularly touched surfaces using a sanitizer with at least 60% of alcohol content.
3.Clean & Disinfect: You should ensure regular cleaning and disinfection of most touched places like drawers, door, window knobs, kitchen cabinet, mobile phone and keys etc.
4. Practicing Respiratory hygiene: Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze and then throw up the used tissue immediately into a closed dustbin.
5 .Physical distancing: Stay safe at home, avoid meeting or physical contact with sick people, maintain at least 6ft or 2 meter distance to avoid transmission of corona virus.
6. Wear Mask: Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth properly. Masks made of cotton are recommended for use.
7. Stay updated: It's important to be updated on various topics related to corona virus and it's impact on pregnancy. Check regularly on your symptoms and infection so that you can figure out and ask for help.
8. Prenatal Care Visit: It's important to do check up on a regular basis. But as it's unsafe to move out, it's better to connect with your gynecologist through Phone call or online video call. This is referred as tele-medicine. If visit is necessary for safety, schedule your visit at your gynecologist so that you won't have to wait much.
9. Eat healthy and exercise: Eating right and keeping hydrated is essential. Proper diet with vitamins will increase immunity. Routine daily use of iron and folic acid supplements by consulting your gynecologist is necessary. Get a diet chart to have a balanced diet from your dietitian.
Physical activities, healthy eating is crucial for checking excessive weight gain. Breathing exercises is important to maintain a good body and healthy mind during pregnant; this must be done under supervision of experts.
Experts say, in breathing exercises one should breathe in 4 seconds, hold on for 7 seconds and then breathe out for 8 seconds. Finally repeat it 3 times. You should avoid stale food, alcohol, smoking and medicines without yours gynecologist knowledge/approval.
10. Proper Sleep: Sleep should be complete. 8 hours continuous sleep at night is recommended and resting at day time at regular intervals is good for a pregnant woman to be relaxed.
How to take care of the mental health in Pregnancy
Mental peace is above all. If you don't have it, nothing may work. Its very easy to fall pray to this being isolated due to the pandemic.
Pregnancy is a bag of mix feelings, not all of them are good ones. It can be challenging time in woman's life especially if you already are depressed. You are supposed to feel excited and super happy to have your dream come true. But many women just don't feel that way because of their mental health condition.
Pregnancy brings in several physical, hormonal and emotional challenges. Fear of being judged, restrict to confront it in front of your family or loved ones. Thinking of your body change, frequent mood swings, how to take care of yourself and baby well, the pressure of being a good mom, coping of with the new life style it will bring in, family relations and getting their support, lack of proper sleep and balanced food on time can be reason of mental illness.
Mental health condition may not show any visible symptoms. This is not talked about much. But this is something if you won't get vocal, it will creep in inside you like an active virus and the depressed person may take drastic steps like suicide or may harm closed ones unknowingly.
When expecting woman cannot function properly and most likely will have a delayed action and reaction, feeling disconnect, getting tired, lack of interest even in doing your favorite things, panic attacks, stress feeling, fear of something that's doesn't exist may creep into the mind. This affects both, you and the baby.
On a positive note, mental health disorders are treatable, as physical health disorders. The maternal mental health disorders are even higher in developing countries. Its 15.6% during pregnancy and 19.8% after child birth.
Steps to take care of maternal mental health
Take care of you and your emotions in a positive way. Self care is needed, as you stay indoors.
1. Try to get ample sunlight. It’s refreshing.
2. Engage in your hobby: Do anything that engages you, get your creative and productive side and you feel happy doing it. This will increase your confidence, concentration.
3. Learn something new: We always get a certain amount of excitement in doing something new which we haven't done before. Figuring out and working on that can be good thing for you in disguise. It can be learning a new artwork, an easy craft, a super classy eye makeup etc. This can make you happy. Staying happy from within is the key to avoid scattered thoughts in mind.
4. Exercise regularly: Doing regular exercise, in the morning and evening hours to good for body and soul. You can check online or seek guidance from experts on exercise tips during this period.
5. Eat healthy and in time. Drink water in plenty: Get enough and proper deep sleep. If having issues in sleep, you can speak to your gynecologist to help out and they can suggest proper sleeping positions or give solutions by hearing your issues.
6. Spend time with your loved ones: They can be your Pets, family, relatives, colleagues or friends. You can meet them virtually over a video call.
7. Manage yourself: Everyone has strength & weaknesses. Accepting your weakness and knowing your strengths are key to face any mental illness.
1. Meditating.
2. Speak to your closest friend, whom you can count on.
3. Believe in yourself.
4. Listen to a soothing music, or song.
5. Be realistic.
Few other aspects that you need to know to have a strong and positive mind.
Combating Fear disorder:
It can come to your mind anytime out of nowhere. Fear of failure etc and sometimes the fear can be from the most unexpected and unrealistic things. Calming you self and staying positive will help.
Practicing Gratitude:
Have gratitude for what you have, feel content and fulfilled. Focus away from what you don't have. Studies show, an optimistic mind can enhance mental health.
Express yourself:Unregulated emotions are harmful. It’s advisable by therapists to de-clutter your mind, suppressing thoughts may bother you.
Ask for help: There is nothing wrong in asking for help. Never feel alone, confide to your closest one and they will be by your side. You can take an appointed and visit counselor who will guide and help you through by proper advice, exercises or by medication.
You can find or create a group in social media of women, who are expecting, or have gone through this phase. Many of them can understand your obstacles, be there for your support and help you out.
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