
July 12, 2020

11 Tips to get Pregnant Naturally

How to get Pregnant Naturally

Pregnancy is a beautiful feeling. In some cases, it is a planned one, and in some it's unplanned.

Whenever it is planned, and the couple decides to have it in a natural way, there are few important tips to be followed.

It needs little research and planning by self to check various ways through books, online content from experts. But the foremost thing is to know and understand your body, it's need and requirements to get pregnant naturally. The probability of conceiving is high when a woman is in her 20's.

Most important check points for a healthy pregnancy are the following:

1. Keeping track of Menstrual cycle dates:

It's crucial to remember your period dates and cycle length. Best is maintain it on a calendar. If your period dates are same every months, then it's regular. If it's not, then you are having irregular periods. For conceiving, it's important that you have regular periods, and  month on month.

If it's tracked, then it's easier for you to track when you are ovulating. That means when your ovaries will release an egg.After its release, egg stays for 12hrs to 24hrs inside fallopian tube.

Also, a sperm has the capability to survive up to 5 days in a woman's body.

Fertilization occurs when the sperm meets the egg.

2. Monitor Ovulation

Ovulation normally occurs 2 weeks before the beginning of periods. Ovulation gets easy, if menstrual cycle is regular, gets difficult if it happens irregularly.

3. Have sex

Having sex every other day in your fertile days, increase the chance of getting pregnant

4. Maintain your body weight

It's an important aspect. You shouldn't be overweight or underweight if you are planning to have a baby. Take experts help if feasible. Drink juices, proper 3 course meals, snacks on time for a healthy regime.

Exercises can be practiced by consulting your gynecologist/health services provider. For this, goals can be set. Little walking, swimming, aerobics, breathing exercises are being done to have a perfect healthy body and mind.

 5. Mental health

Keeping self happy is only required. Reading articles on pregnancy, childbirth can be motivational. Practicing relaxation techniques like meditation to calm you, listening to soft  music, taking warm bath, and good sleeping habits are best to relieve stress and tension.

6. Preconception Nutrition

Well balanced meal with daily consumption of nutrients, vitamins, folic aid, iron can be included consulting both your dietician and gynecologist.

Nutrients are needed for both. Food having zinc content are considering good if trying to get pregnant. Oysters, which has high zinc in them, works best in increasing the production of semen and testosterone in men and helps in ovulation infertility in women.

15 mg a day can help keep your reproductive system functioning well.

Folic acid - 0.4 mg of folic acid every day as a supplement

Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, citrus fruits, nuts, fortified bread and cereals are also to be taken. It can be supplemented with a prenatal vitamin.

Vitamin B - Vitamin B reduces the risk of neural tube birth defects.

Calcium - At least 1000 mg calcium a day to be taken. Rich source of calcium are canned salmon, sardines, rice and cheese.

Maintaining a healthy diet composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and diary products with intake of adequate vitamins and minerals for both Men and Women.

7. Don't overdo strenuous activities

It's important to know your limits while you do exercises. Consult your expert guide to know what all you can practice. Sometimes overdoing impacts negatively.

It may decrease ovulation, impacting pregnancy

8. No to few hazardous stuffs

Chemicals found in cigarette, like it has nicotine and carbon monoxide, tat may impact egg formation.It also ages a woman's ovaries and reduce the supply of eggs prematurely.

Stay away from smoke, drugs, caffeine

Caffeine: Advisable to wean off caffeine. More than 200 gms may reduce fertility by 27% as per Experts. It hinders body's ability to absorb Iron and calcium.

Drugs : Drugs increases the chances of miscarriage, low birth weight of baby, premature births, developmental delay, behavioral and learning problems.

Chemicals : Most studies shows, first trimester, where most of the development happens inside a woman's body, chemicals intake create havoc, abrupt growth and development. Ex- Pesticides

9. Check your partner's sperm count

It's one of major thing to consider.

Check up can be done by professional health service providers by consider your gynecologist. It can be checked through tests and confirmed

10. Age related fertility issues

After the age of 30 yrs, women became less fertile, which proves hindrances to conceive. This is because of age related changes in the ovaries that decline the quantity and quality of eggs produced. Health problems, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis and blockage of the fallopian tubes contribute to a loss of fertility. Once women age crosses 30 yrs, there a decline in fertility and after 37 yrs, it's even steeper declination and after 40 yrs very less probability of conception.

With age, because of hormones, stress, body weight increases which add on to body fat. Fat produces estrogen, which interferes ovulation.

11. Know when to visit your Doctor/gynecologist

If you are trying since last 6 months without having precautions, still not conceiving, Check your medical conditions like Thyroid blood test, check your TSH levels. Hyperthyroidism, Overactive : - It may result premature birth/low birth weight.

Hypothyroidism, Underactive : Results infertility / miscarriages

STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) : Results in ectopic pregnancy, can cause pelvic inflammatory diseases.

All the luck for a happy pregnancy ahead !

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